
Special Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street Fighting

Description: For all Customers - damn it, this stuff is just amazing!… This is for a 6 DVD set (British, Israeli, Russian ‘Spetsnaz’ and more) Hand-To-Hand Fighting Secrets Revealed For The First-Time By Amazing UK ‘Fighting Machine’! Dear Customer, This is HUGE… I can barely contain myself right now because I’ve just spent a serious two-day session learning REAL-LIFE SPECIAL FORCES fighting tactics with a fighting LEGEND and my head is just S-P-I-N-N-I-N-G right now! (Excuse the excitement but I had to get this out to you NOW!) See, I’ve just spend two full days with the ONLY person in the country that could teach me the real SECRETS I wanted to know! And those secrets were the secrets that most people never hear about – the Hand-To-Hand Fighting Secrets of the World’s Most ELITE Special Forces. (I’m talking about the same techniques used by the British Special Forces, Delta, Israelis, Russian Spetnaz and more)… It’s why I’m writing you this letter today. But before I tell you more, let me calm down a little…relax…and tell you what’s ‘goin’ down’…right here, right now… Phew. You’ve heard of Kevin O’Hagan, right? You may know Kevin from our High-Level Joint-Breaking Secrets Set. He’s a legend in this game – respected by everyone who is anyone in ‘our World’ – but he’s also a bit underground. Fact is, you never really quite know what Kevin is up to…or what he really knows. And that’s where this gets really interesting… See, what you may NOT know about Kevin is that he is one of the FEW guys ‘working’ in the self-defence arena here in the UK who has had one-on-one personal encounters with REAL Special Forces operatives. Let me be totally clear. See, Kevin is one of the FEW instructors we know who has truly looked ‘outside’ of the traditional arts – and set out to learn the very BEST SECRETS of some of the World’s greatest Special Forces Operatives. Whilst Kevin was never ‘military’ himself – he insisted on discovering these secrets – and discover he has! Yes, this was news even to us. I was shocked. Totally shocked. When I heard this, quite frankly I was flabbergasted. Because Kevin had somehow ‘kept’ this from us for far too long. After all, we’re his publishers. And quite frankly, we would do ANYTHING to get on the ‘inside’ with these REAL Special Forces Insiders’ Secrets! And that’s why we thought he would have at least told us about the secrets he’d uncovered from some of the World’s greatest Special Forces Operatives. But he never did. He kept it to himself. And, when we asked why, it’s no real wonder… You see, Kevin is unique. And that’s because he has actually ‘encountered’ (through his ‘travels’) a TON of different Special Forces operatives. Not just SAS, Delta or Russian Spetsnaz – but also Anti-terrorist squad, military enforcers (based in Israel, Britain, Russia) – even Canadian and Australian special forces. And from EACH of them he has collared their best tactics, hand-to-hand training methods and secrets. And he has always kept this knowledge VERY close to his chest – almost secret. Let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR here : Some of the stuff Kevin has learned from these Special Forces operatives is simply unknown. And it’s only available to INSIDERS. Bluntly speaking, this red-hot Special Forces insider is material and currently being used by Special Forces Operatives on the proverbial ‘front-lines’. It’s not pretty. What it IS though, is material designed for real-world, extreme scenarios – the kind of scenarios you and I would only have nightmares about, but which are all too common for the Special Forces guys. And it’s when I realised this was something we simply HAD to get Kevin to ‘cough up’… Well, a lot of money later – here we are. With every last secret of these Special Forces operatives and insiders – directly from the front-lines. That’s why I’m contacting you…since you’re a customer of ours, then we know we have a hunch that you’re ‘ready’ for this material. Now’s the time. We think you’re ready for these secrets. That stated, let me kick off and tell you what’s here for you: In short, we wanted the VERY BEST Special Forces secrets that Kevin had got from the Insiders he has known – the Vietnam Vets, the Russians, the Commandos, the Israelis, the South Africans – the WORKS. These are the techniques used by the Special Forces against attackers who are highly-trained, and absolutely ‘high’ on adrenaline, and subsequently near-impervious to pain. Kevin has trained and got the SECRETS out of ALL of them. From all over the World! That’s right - the USA Special Forces Bad-Asses, the British Commandos, the Israelis Juggernauts, the Russian Special Forces legends – on and on. Best part: Kevin has COMPOSED everything from these guys. He’s thrown out the irrelevant stuff (some Special Forces stuff is simply irrelevant for you; but 99% IS applicable). But he has kept the best, most BRUTAL stuff. It then leaves an ultimate ‘melting pot’ of the best possible special forces operative, hand-to-hand training ‘system’ you will EVER see. Why? Because it takes the best-of-the-best from each special force – British, Russian, Israeli…and even South African… …giving you the best parts from each Special Forces system! There is NOTHING like this available any place else. Not now, not ever. The Crux of this material is something most civilians never hear about, or ever train in. It’s called the A-B-C Model. And those letters stand for air, blood-flow and consciousness. These are the ONLY three methods that Spec Ops guys ‘live’ by when learning hand-to-hand. Nothing else really matters to them. Why? Because, by harnessing these three factors, they simply KNOW that they are GUARANTEED ‘man-stoppers’. They WILL stop a man. And very few martial arts or self-defence systems can come close to their power. To illustrate their power, Kevin recounts Spec-Ops he knows who have been shot, stabbed and kicked at full whack in the groin – yet still carry on through pure adrenaline – and these are the ONLY techniques that are guaranteed to stop them, as used by THE top operatives in the World today. That should tell you the core power of these, and why these are used by the best bad-asses on the face of the planet. That’s right. Just use the simple techniques Kevin will share with you – under this A-B-C guise – and they WILL be stopped. No other choice. If you join together techniques as well – CHAIN THEM – then it’s pure power in its ability to stop a guy in his tracks. No matter what. Battlefield or street. But let me back track a little here… See, Kevin kicked off all this with the core MAN-STOPPERS material, but went much further as well. He went through ALL the real-world, hard-core military based tactics designed to STOP a man – no matter what. No matter WHAT the adrenaline level he has, no matter how big, how well armed, how ‘crazed’. ALL these techniques have been TESTED EFFECTIVE on the front-lines of Special Forces missions and scenarios. That should tell you the seriousness of this. And let me be TOTALLY CLEAR here: These are NOT ‘martial arts’ or ‘self-defence’ techniques. Nope. They are Special Forces techniques. Big difference. We’re talking anything goes here – not ‘Vale Tudo’, and certainly NOT even martial arts or self-defence. This is so far from those things that it’s almost unreal. It’s the material that special operatives will use when going in on a mission, to ‘mop up’ or otherwise ‘clean’ an environment. Ears, kneecaps, the windpipe – these are all fair game with these Special Forces tactics. It’s fact, ferocious and FINAL. (Although, yes, let us remind you that you should only ever use force in direct proportion to the threat encountered. As such, these techniques are only for absolute, last-resort self-defence situations that you may find yourself in, and then are only to be used as the situation warrants). See, you realise that after a certain heart rate, your complex motor skills (locks etc) simply go out of the window. Only your GROSS motor skills remain. These are the skills that often require just ONE motion, and that hark back to the caveman-style – very simple, direct and straightforward. And oh yes, these are the kinds of methods and secrets… …that absolutely ANYONE can use…in absolutely ANY situation! And yes, that includes YOU. All of this means that – as far as Special Forces are concerned – the more intricate material becomes virtually useless in ‘their kind’ of scenario (with a bag over their heads, with a gun at the temple and so on). Imagine, if you will, the battlefield. Can you imagine a special operative, using a wrist lock against an opponent? Would never happen. An example: one of Kevin’s secret trainers and solider insiders was a Vietnam Vet. And he has actually SEEN a guy – on the battlefield – being kicked in the groin at full whack. The result: NOTHING. The solider carried on regardless. Yes, even with a full contact connection to the groin, probably with heavy, thick boots on. All of which goes to show how the human body reacts under such intense conditions. And, it shows and graphically illustrates how you MUST go out to STOP an attacker who is on an adrenal rush. The ONLY way to really do this is with the A-B-C of military and special forces tactics. Fortunately for us… These ‘gross motor’ skills are EASY to learn, master and USE – starting tomorrow! And that’s what you’re going to learn throughout this Set – Special Forces Hand-To-Hand Close-Quarter Combat Training System Here’s what this is such a breakthrough for YOU: You DO NOT need to be skilful. Anyone can use these techniques! You can learn this material FAST. Spare room and an hour a day is fine. That’s all you need. You don’t have to be super-fit or athletic! Military and special operatives are often ‘down and out’ and, quite frankly, the conditions they find themselves in are, very often, simply horrible. Beyond what most people can even begin to imagine – the Russians, Israelis, the ‘SBS’ – they’ve all been to ‘work’ in really bad conditions. As such, these secrets are used in all sorts of conditions and with all types of operatives. You, too, will be able to quickly pick this up, even if your bones are creaking RIGHT NOW, as you’re reading this letter today. It’s the kind of techniques that work REGARDLESS. The closest thing to a guarantee you’ll find in a street situation. The result is NASTY. It’s brutal. And it’s exactly what you’d expect from the Special Forces. ENOUGH SAID. Anyway, let’s move on to what else Kevin covered: Once we’ve gotten the ‘CORE’ Man-Stoppers material – the real nitty-gritty Special Forces Secrets – we moved onward to… Special Forces Counter-weapon defences: You won’t find these kinds of techniques in any kind of ‘civilian’ training. It is, quite frankly, the ‘real’ stuff against weapons (as opposed to a loon with a bottle on the street – which makes this all triple-effective for you and me in our World). See, there’s no denying that the landscape of the street has changed. Now, guns are COMMON. And that’s why, for the first time ever, we delved into gun defences for the street. Including: identifying whether your assailant has a semi-automatic revolver or not. Including: getting out of the ‘line of fire’ in extreme situations - and more. Also: garrotting escapes (if for example, someone attacks you in your own home with a cord around the neck – this is real military stuff, often where silent garrotings take place). We even looked at the special forces techniques to defend against suffocation (from plastic, e.g. a bag over the head). Kevin was unreal throughout this session. I guarantee you’ve seen nothing like this before – ever, no matter who you’ve trained in, and what you’ve trained in. We moved on… Equalisers… We also looked at those UNKNOWN techniques that the Special Forces use for levelling-up the scenario… whatever it takes. I’ll give you one example: a technique used by the South-African Special Forces to virtually equalise any situation, no matter how many people are trying to attack and hurt you and your space. You will NEVER see anything like this anywhere else, no matter what. (Most effectively used at long-distance. And it will keep anyone away from you like an anti-magnet). And another: this one is something you would expect to ‘occur’ in a military base somewhere. You’ll learn some real INSIDE SECRETS from what to do with this particular ‘equaliser’. And no, I won’t mention anywhere more here today in this letter. And plenty more, what you might call ‘deceptive’ practices to give yourself the kind of unfair advantage which are usually reserved for the upper echelons of the special forces, but which you want and need on the street to protect yourself against yobs, bullies and other SCUM intent on robbing you of what you’ve got (mugging you, or simply hurting you or your family for ‘fun’ -and I really hate those particular scumbags). Here’s what else you’ve learn throughout this 6-chapter Special Forces Training Set: Techniques used by the Russian‘Spetznaz’ on the front-lines to quickly silence an opponent, no matter if his neck is bigger than Tyson and he has arms like Arnie. Unbelievably effective material. An Israeli special forces technique that they use to ‘finish’ a fight. No, I won’t say what it is in a letter like this. Target areas highlighted and ‘known’ by spec op guerrillas (guys on the ‘inside), for use in hand-to-hand situations, only for when the hard-core what-sit has hit the fan Ridiculously powerful special forces takedowns (including groin takedowns – something you won’t find any place else) How special operatives handle tunnel vision. Everyone knows that in high-adrenaline, military situations, you’ll lose your peripheral vision. How to handle that – as applies to military. Incredible, high-powered finishing techniques used in situations by real-world special forces Nasty ‘biting’ self-defence techniques for extreme circumstances, as used by the Canadian special forces What spec op agents do when someone pulls a gun or strangles or chokes them Best targets used by Commandos – it winds the opponent, leaving them silenced and unable to ‘cry for help from another special operative’ (these work even if the opponent is wearing heavy clothing, on the front-lines) This is not ART, not fanciful, not ‘dojo’ stuff. It’s HARD-CORE material. And frankly it was never meant for public release. Best part: ALL this stuff applies to both the floor and standing. In fact, that’s the beauty of most of this Special Forces material. It’s all designed to be super-fast and easy (it’s designed for the operatives to be just like that, and for them to learn it very quickly indeed). And with minimum memorisation. In fact, there are only a core cadre of techniques to use, and they can be used on the floor, standing, or in virtually any situation imaginable. And that’s the beauty of this…and why it’s so ‘bang on’ applicable to you too. By the time you’re done with these secrets, you’ll chain the various techniques together, compounding results, and achieving far more power over a foe than you can now imagine. You’ll become a one-man demolition crew, wiping the floor with any kind of SCUM who even comes close, who even walks into your personal space, or threatens you or your family. That’s the power of these Special Forces Secrets! And quite frankly, no-one will be able to share these ‘methods’ with you, other than what you’ll learn from this Series. That’s why we are so excited about this incredible, NEW Set of material. Throughout this ‘at-home’ training sessions (on six, tight chapters), you’ll quickly learn, pick up and immediately benefit from the most POWERFUL techniques of the World’s very best Special Forces. It is available nowhere else but here. I can safely say that if you’ve been a customer of ours…and I know that you are…then you know we’ve published some ground-breaking Sets of material. And I’ll go out on a limb and tell you now - arguably this is THE biggest breakthrough yet. Hopefully that should be all you need to know. One final thing… We actually have two sets of material for you here, as a top-tier customer of ours. One is edited down and censored. The other isn’t edited down –and is uncensored. Needless to say, the un-edited and un-censored version is much more brutal and realistic (by the way, when I say ‘un-edited’ it is still ‘edited’ but the more gruesome material has been left in). We also realise it isn’t for everyone. It’s up to YOU to decide which Set to go for. The tamer, edited version – or the brutal, un-censored and un-edited version. Your choice. (Please let us know either way – just mark your choice on the enclosed ‘no risk’ Acceptance Form)). What I would say though is this: If you’re queasy or easily shocked and offended, then this isn’t for you. To be sure, the un-censored version of this Special Forces Hand-To-Hand Close Quarter Combat System definitely isn’t for you in any case (and even the censored version will probably be too much for you). Some of it may make you feel, well, a little queasy. You may not even sleep very well after a viewing – although you WILL return to these chapters again and again and again – gaining pure content and knowledge at each and every sitting. Be warned now. I can’t say this is for everyone. It isn’t. Fact is, not everyone wants to learn these kinds of methods. Not everyone wants to get ‘jiggy’ with this kind of material. So be it. Each to their own. I suspect you, though, are a little different – and recognise that this is the rarest of the rare opportunity to learn these Special Forces Secrets for yourself. If that’s you, then you know you can check this out on a ‘hush hush’ basis as a customer of ours. So, what’s the price? I’ll make no bones about it being expensive. But if you compare this to any other kind of instruction then, bluntly speaking, you are foolish. Why? Because this just isn’t like anything else out there today. And it absolutely goes without saying that there is no-one out there ‘teaching’ this stuff to civilians today. No way. It absolutely goes without saying that there are no ‘classes’ for this kind of thing. Far from it. No…the only way to access these secrets is through this offer today. And with this 6-chapter Training Set. That price, for effectively being taught how to fight like a Special Forces operative – is just $137 for ALL 6 dvds That’s for the WHOLE package by the way. We considered – seriously considered – charging two or three times this price. But you’re a past customer of ours . And we believe you’re someone who’s ‘ready’ for this kind of material. So we’ve kept the price down – a price which is really just a few hours of a Spec. Ops. Time. (And no, do NOT think that you’re ever likely to actually find someone who’d ever teach you ‘one-on-one’ like this.) Yes, I know you probably will never use the guarantee. After all, these secrets are so damn good, that you’d be a nut-job to return these chapters. But it’s there in any case. Just don’t hang about with this. As with some of our chapters in the past…they don’t always stay on the market for THAT LONG. We think this will be the same. We don’t know whether this will still be available in a few weeks from now, maybe even as soon as next week, this Set will be OFF the market – and gone for good. I’d urge you to bring these super secrets into your own life, right now and join the elite ranks of those ‘in the know’, who can walk the streets with utter freedom, knowing they have these amazing tools at their disposal. P.S. A WARNING: there are no fancy bonuses or anything like that with this. Just hard-core, real-world Special Forces secrets. We do NOT know how long we will be able to keep this ‘material’ out there. So hurry – and don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Price: 119.99 USD

Location: Hyannis, Massachusetts

End Time: 2025-02-11T23:48:47.000Z

Shipping Cost: 6 USD

Product Images

Special Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street FightingSpecial Forces Hand to Hand Close Quarter Combat - Martial Arts Street Fighting

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